What Time Of Year Do You Prune Hydrangeas?

The name Hortensia was given by a French botanist Philibert Commerson in 1771. Their Latin name or scientific name is the hydrangea. Some argue that the name Hortensia is taken from the name of Prince Nassau’s daughter, Hortense de Nassau, who accompanied the botanist on his expedition. In Japan, it is known as the ajisai flower, while in Indonesia, it is generally known as the flower of the bowl. In South Sulawesi, it is known as the Masamba flower. Meanwhile, in Malay, it is called a three months flower.
These gorgeous ones have clustered around like a bun and have soft colors such as white, blue, purple, pink or pink, yellow, and orange. And what makes Hortensia unique compared to other ornamental plants is that their color can change according to the acidity level of soil pH where the Hortensia plant grows. If the soil pH is 7, which is normal pH, the color of the hydrangeas will turn creamy white. If the soil is acidic, the hydrangeas can turn blue or bluish. If the soil is more likely to be alkaline, the hydrangeas will be pink or purple.
You should pay attention to the Hortensia as the leaves are considered poisonous because they contain cyanogenic glycosides and will release hydrogen cyanide compounds when ingested. Hortensia plants grow well in the highlands with cool air. Cultivation of this flowering plant is carried out in an open space without protection houses or greenhouses.
For those of you who like flowers, of course, you want to plant them on your home page. The beauty of these blooms will make your home page look more memorable. However, if you don’t want the hassle of planting it, you can buy it on FlowerAdvisor by using gift delivery Singapore services. The way to plant and care for them is straightforward to do. The first thing you have to do is determine the type of hydrangeas to plant. Choose the one according to the climate where you live. Types of mophead and lacecap are very suitable for planting in tropical climates. In contrast, the type of oakleaf is suitable for those of you who live in countries with warm climates. Then, this type of Annabelle is very ideal for planting in countries with cool to cold climates.
After determining the type of hydrangea that you will plant, the next stage is planting hydrangea. They like fertile soil and are porous and slightly moist, so choose a location that fits or at least approaches the above criteria. Then, choose seeds that are healthy and not contaminated by pests and those that have not yet flowered. Next, make a hole 20-40 cm deep with a width adjusted to the selected seed’s root length. Add compost to the planting hole. Put the hydrangea flower seeds in the planting hole. Cover the planting hole again with the remaining excavated soil. Do thorough watering on the planting hole and plant seeds. Since they are a shrub, give 3-10 feet each seed.
What you have to do for maintenance is regular watering a maximum of 2 times a day in the morning and evening. Perform additional fertilization by providing compost—the more fertile the soil conditions, the better for growth. However, give fertilizer according to the dosage not to overdo it. Excess fertilizer will cause the plant to produce fewer blooms. After some time and various kinds of care, they will start blooming from mid-spring to late summer or early fall.
If you intend to harvest them to be used as decoration in the house or cut flowers for sale, you also have to know how to harvest them. The texture of the flower should be dry like paper. Don’t pick if they still look wet and have high water content. Use a pair of scissors or a sharp cutter to cut them from the stems. Don’t forget to keep doing maintenance and care for the hydrangea plants that have been harvested so that the next season can still produce beautiful blooms.
Do pruning on old hydrangea plants so that they can still produce flowers in the next season. But, what time of year do you prune hydrangeas? You cannot prune all shrubs at the same time. There are types to do pruning after flowering. Or you should prune some before they regrow in the spring or when they are dormant in the fall after new shoots have grown. If they bloom in late summer, you should prune them in late winter or early spring before they start growing again.
However, if they bloom in the summer, you should prune them right after blooming because most shrubs will grow back on the old wood from the previous year’s blooming process. That is why pruning them in early spring runs the risk of cutting dormant buds. So by pruning right after the blooms have faded, you can give them time to sprout again for next year’s bloom.
There are many different purposes for pruning. First, to tidy up, remove old flowers. Cut them that have bloomed just below the flower head. Second, to increase strength, remove the oldest stem. Old stems result in smaller flowers. Regular plucking of the oldest stems at the soil line can keep the bush vigorous and produce large, abundant flowers. Or to get bigger flowers, you can cut them entirely. In late winter or early spring, you can cut down these shrubs to the ground. Delicate hydrangeas will produce much larger flowers if pruned vigorously like this each year.