Best Ways to Repair Tile or Vinyl Floors


Even if you’ve put your best foot forward with a thorough cleaning and scrubbing, spills, scrapes, and accidental damage to the tile or vinyl flooring can occur. If you’re the one responsible for a damaged tile or vinyl floor, here are some tips to help you repair it.

Step 1: Stop the bleeding. 

Regardless of the material you’re working with, the damage won’t get worse if you can stop the bleeding now. Apply rubbing alcohol to a cotton ball and dab at any damage.

Step 2: Scrape it out.

If you need to clear out the entire area for the repair, use a putty knife or scrapers. You can also use a broom or scraper to lift chunks of flooring and then wipe it clean. Just make sure to wear gloves and safety glasses.

Step 3: Find a patch.

If the damage is in one spot, you may be able to find a pre-cut matching floor tile or patch to cover the area. If you can’t find a pre-cut patch to match, as long as the pattern is in the same family, you should be able to get away with cutting a new patch out of your flooring. If you’re unsure, call a professional or request floor repairs help from your handyman.

Step 4: Cut it.

You can use a box cutter, utility knife, or a chop saw to cut the new piece. The method you use will depend on the material and size of the patch. If you can’t be sure that the patch makes clean edges, go back over it with sandpaper.

Step 5: Glue it down.

Use a small roller to apply contact cement or construction adhesive to the back of the patch. Position it on the floor and press it down. For larger patches, use spacers to ensure even contact cement distribution.

Step 6: Let it dry.

You can use a hairdryer to help the patch bond better, but let it sit until the cement is completely dried. Then start walking on it to help set the glue ends and allow waterproofing to seal the deal.

Step 7: Seal it.

You can also use a sealer on porcelain tile and vinyl, but it’s not crucial. The sealer is often yellow or white and is used as protection against staining and deterioration.

Step 8: Clean it.


After the patch is installed, you can use a damp mop or rag to remove any residual glue. You can use a dryer sheet for vinyl to gently rub away any excess adhesive from the patch, along with large spills and scuffs.

Step 9: Enjoy it.

Finally, pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Now you can get back to enjoying your newly repaired floor tile or vinyl floor!

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