2021 Landscaping Ideas to Try in Singapore


The pandemic surely gave birth to a lot of hidden interests and one of those is gardening and landscaping. Because the world isn’t out of the woods yet, we compiled landscaping ideas you need to try for this New Year! Read more of these exciting ideas and how to execute them for a fulfilling landscaping activity.

Sustainable Gardening

Last year was a wake-up call for us to practice earth conservation strategies. With the numerous earth-shattering events, it is up to us to make sure that this world as safe and resource-filled as possible. So, here are sustainable gardening tips to try.

  • Go for water conservation measures like collecting rainwater and planting drought-resistant plants. If you aren’t aware of specific plants that stay moist despite not being watered for a day or two, you can always ask landscaping professionals.
  • If you don’t have one yet, now’s the time to make your compost. Having a compost pit is practical and environmentally-friendly.
  • Another practice for sustainable gardening is applying mulch. Mulch regulates soil temperature, thus, minimizing water consumption. It adds nutrients to the soil, prevents erosion, and suppresses weeds.

Creating a Garden for Your Mini Getaways 

During the series of lockdowns, many people realized the importance of having a garden to get your daily dose of sun and for clearing your mind from stress and anxiety. If you haven’t transformed your outdoor area for a mini sanctuary, here are tips to get started.

  • Designate a space for relaxation, sitting, or reading. You can install chairs and tables suitable for maximum comfort.
  • It is important to have protection against the sun through a large umbrella, shade, pergola, or if you have one, a tree.
  • Select low-maintenance plants to have in your garden. These plants will bring you calmness and serenity without having to put in too much effort in their maintenance.

Grow Your Food

We are all addicted to the idea of convenience. But, if there’s one thing that the pandemic taught us, it’s to grow our food to avoid cramming up at the supermarket.

  • Start small with food gardening by planting herbs and spices first. You can use your kitchen’s window area to grow them out. You can look at the internet for growing tips and instructions if you don’t have an idea of where to start.
  • Designate an area of your garden to plant items like tomatoes or other root crops.
  • It is ideal for you to grow plants like peas and cucumbers that produce more despite the limited space.

Last but not least, the greatest landscape for public idea to try this year is to include family members in your gardening feats! It’s a great activity for relaxing and bonding with family and loved ones.

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