Nan Inc Airport Contract – Another Milestone Achieved
In the midst of pandemic, when even flourished businesses are left with no option except to follow the exit strategy, there is still a ray of hope to survive if you are right on track. Such is the Nan Inc airport contract news that has stirred big names within Hawaii’s Construction Industry where a company has played a winning shot to secure future jobs for many.
Winning a contract as big as reconstruction and renovation of an airport is indeed a wonderful achievement at the part of the company especially in current times when even running projects are getting closed/ postponed. Yet, Nan Inc airport contract has successfully made it possible as an expert construction contractor and consultant.
Awarded in June this year with expected inception and completion being 3rd quarter of 2020 and 1st quarter of 2023 respectively, Daniel K. Inouye International Airport’s contract for major renovations has an estimated worth of $146 million – a fairly huge project to count for in hours of international emergency. Aimed at providing work opportunities to almost 100 local workers, the project will cover the construction/ reconstruction of Baggage Handling (Terminal 1) and Ticket Lobby (Terminal 2) as announced by the State Department of Transportation.
Under the project, Nan Inc will carry out renovation of Terminal 1 Baggage Handling System by constructing New Transportation Security Administration baggage screening spaces, six baggage makeup carousels as well as spaces for new U.S. Department of Agriculture. Similarly, at Terminal 2 i.e., Ticket Lobby, several construction and renovation assignments will be completed including but not limited to construction of ticketing counters, installation of ceiling fans, construction / renovation of TSA baggage screening spaces and new baggage handling system; last two to be completed at apron and basement levels.. At both terminals, demolition work will also be performed for new construction and improvements including lighting, floor repairing and office space renovations etc., thereof. With sound expertise in construction management and design building, the company is confident to complete this huge project par excellence and exceeding expectations.
Having awarded this contract, Nan Inc is committed to pen down another success story. Not only this milestone will add to company’s revenue stream but will also open several job opportunities i.e., around one hundred to start with for its dedicated workforce. Furthermore, this project will open further avenues for Nan Inc to win other projects of similar nature.
Worth appreciating and celebrating, these are brief details of just one project that Nan Inc has won among various other projects throughout the troubling phase of pandemic. With Nan Inc airport contract, it becomes evident that goodwill, competence and trust are three major factors that keep businesses moving and growing even in odd times.