Benefits of Programmable Thermostats
The thermostat is an element of regulation and control, which, when appropriately used, contributes to optimizing the comfort and energy consumption of the home.
Thermostats are very useful for efficiently regulating the temperature in a house or the whole house. Thanks to them, we can control the degrees remotely without going near the boiler’s fixed controls. The usual thing is that the house’s principal rooms, like the lounge, or the corridors, shelter the manual controls. Still, if what we want is to know at all times which is the temperature or, even, to regulate it in a very comfortable way with our hands, one of these devices will turn out to be to us of an enormous utility. Despite all this, many consider installing a wireless thermostat because they have some doubts about the process. We will try to solve all of them by explaining step by step how the installation is done.
Also, there is an advanced version of this type of device: the chrono-thermostats, which allow you to program the on and off times. Thus, it can be determined that the heating is off when the house is empty but that it is on a few minutes before the inhabitants of that building arrive home.
Where should it be installed?
The american standard thermostat should be installed in the main room, where more hours are spent and more temperature is demanded. Usually, the living room is chosen.
This way, it will take the room temperature as a reference to regulate the heating system.
Is it compatible with thermostatic valves?
- Yes, it is possible to have valves with thermostatic heads in addition to thermostats. This configuration of the heating system has several advantages:
- The thermostat will allow you to select a maximum setpoint temperature for the home and work for the heating system to maintain that temperature.
- For its part, the thermostatic valves on the radiators allow programming with great precision the room’s temperature individually (so you can select a particular temperature for each room).
The only thing you need to bear in mind is that, in the room where the thermostat is fitted, there should be no thermostatic valves on the radiators, as both devices (thermostatic valves and thermostat) fulfill a similar function and can interfere with each other, which would adversely affect the heating system and could even lead to breakdowns.
Can it be installed in homes with central heating?
Yes, but not in all of them. The american standard thermostat can be installed in installations with individual boilers and buildings with communal boilers, provided that the configuration of the heating system allows it.
What can I do to install a thermostat or chrono-thermostat?
If your heating installation is recent and you are thinking of installing a thermostat or chrono-thermostat, you do not have a pre-installation or do not want to do any work to insert the wiring; there are wireless thermostats that you can use.
Even the most modern models already allow you to connect the thermostat via wifi and control it through a smartphone.
Who can install a thermostat?
We recommend that a specialized installer do it to avoid breakdowns and problems in the installation.